Admission procedures

How the Waiting Lists are maintained

The waiting lists are a fluid entity with the significant changes throughout the year as follows:

  • In March/early April the manager slots in the new requests from existing users using the date they first applied to join JOSS (taken from the online application)
  • In early June the waiting list has another 2 lists, namely 2 and 3, added as follows:
    1. Children currently using JOSS who need to increase their usage.
    2. Siblings of children (currently using JOSS) who will start using JOSS in August.
    3. All other potential new users who will start using JOSS in August.


*Priority when allocating sessions from June till September is given to list 1 followed by 2 then 3.

In September (the third Monday) everyone on the waiting lists who have been using the service for more than 4 weeks are now classified as existing users so the lists prepared in June are now merged using the original dates of application.


The term “currently using JOSS” is defined as follows: The child must be registered in the current year and already using and paying for a number of sessions either in full, by monthly standing order or electronically by vouchers. For new starts the definition ‘currently using JOSS’ will apply once the registered child has used the service for a minimum of 4 weeks and the first payment has been received.

Spaces are offered with the condition that they must be accepted within four weeks from the date of offer.

If the session on offer is no longer required, the child’s name will be removed from the appropriate waiting list for that session.

If the offered session is still required, but not within the four-week timescale, the child’s name can remain on the list at the same position but the place will be offered to the next person on the list until it is filled. If you decline an offer it may take up to a year before another space becomes available.

Places cannot be kept while parents are on maternity/paternity leave unless they are paid for in full. Parents are advised to retain one or more sessions for their child which will allow them priority on the waiting list under the condition “currently using JOSS”.

The Annual Registration fee (which will be added to your annual fees) covers the period August till June and is payable in full regardless of when you start using the service. It cannot be carried over to the following academic year.

Stage 1

Please note that people should put their child’s name on the waiting list as soon as possible as this will determine their place on the waiting list for inclusion in the service and for subsequent waiting lists should they want to change days.

Follow this link to fill in an online application form. Application form to join waiting list – Jordanhill Out of School Service ( This will put your child’s name on the waiting list. You don’t need to wait until your child has a confirmed place at Jordanhill School or other local school.

Once your child’s details have been added to the appropriate year you will get an emailed acknowledgement.

Stage 2

Each March current users are asked to confirm their requirements for the next academic year.

Stage 3

At the beginning of May the JOSS Manager calculates how many places for new incoming children are available.

Stage 4

In mid-May the incoming P1 parents/carers are invited to a meeting (either virtual or in person) to learn more about JOSS and how many places are available.

Stage 5

Places are allocated in June to allow those who have not secured a place to find alternative childcare before August. If spaces are relinquished during the academic year they are offered to the next person on the waiting list.

Stage 6

Once places have been offered and accepted a link to the online Registration Form is issued to new parents and must be completed and returned. Existing parents check the details on their registration forms each September and March.